
Create email signature that works with outlook and gmail
Create email signature that works with outlook and gmail

create email signature that works with outlook and gmail

Some of it is not really appropriate for professional communication, and it leaves a bad impression. Some might just have signatures left over from years ago. These people might not even realize what they have in their signatures, thinking they only appear for friends. Heck, I’ve even received emails with some decidedly off-color humor in the signatures. Do you send emails from a mobile device? Did you know that, most of the time, a line is added to your signature like “Sent from my iPhone” or “Sent from my Droid”? Do you love a rotating selection of inspirational quotes? Did you use a bunch of special formatting and characters to make a little emoji scene? Do you know that it might not work everywhere? If you’ve ever received an email with a signature that has name, job title, address, three phone numbers, a fax number, two websites, a headshot, a picture of the person’s dog, sixteen different colors and a slideshow of their latest adventure in kayaking, you know what I’m talking about.

create email signature that works with outlook and gmail

They either include too little – just their name, maybe a motivational quote – or they include too much.

create email signature that works with outlook and gmail

On one hand, you have the people who have no idea what they should include. Well, unfortunately, it’s not as easy as all that. What is there to an email signature? Why write an article about it? Isn’t there really nothing to it? Just toss your name, your contact information, and a website link into the field and let it go.

Create email signature that works with outlook and gmail